My Best Friend

(Sally: Let someone else tell you about this story. It has some rather harsh language you may not approve of.)

It actually looked nothing like this, but you get the idea.

As I begin this story, I am sitting in my south Florida bay home staring out the window at a rainstorm, which has just knocked out my power. I am writing this on a computer with only 26% battery power (which disappears quickly these days) before this, too, has lost its usability. The sounds of sirens are going off in the distance. I’m certain due to a wayward lightning strike, which has set a building of little import to most of society on fire. Beyond the large elm in my front yard, well past the stone walkway and the dogwood trees, an occasional car will pass down the road. The car drives ever so cautiously in the rain, certain to be looking out for any rain-soaked animals, or children, running from the lightning in fear, searching for shelter. The sky is an eerie grey, not the black of night one might expect from a storm powerful enough to send me searching for candles and a lighter. This sky is one of an early morning, an overcast morning that could be filled with potential and possibility. This night, however, does not feel full of potential. I find myself sitting here, staring out the window, thinking one thing: “I am really glad I already cooked dinner.”

Continue reading My Best Friend

In Remembrance

Years ago my dad told me I reminded him of his brother, Mark. This could have only meant Mark was a wonderful person, and it’s true. Mark is a wonderful person. My memories of Mark, which start back in California, are fractured moments of glossed over memories, which seemed inconsequential as a 5-year-old kid, but now, as a 34-year-old kid, make me remember him with warmth and fondness. Continue reading In Remembrance

Prologue to “Diary of an Addict”

(Sally; I’m certain if you ask my editor she will tell you just to leave this one alone. I promise, soon I will put one up in which you will not be ashamed I am your son.)

This story is completely fictional. This is (as the title suggests) the prologue to a novel I am currently working on getting published. This was written as years after the novel was originally completed, and now I am sharing this bit with everyone so they can get a little taste of what it is like in the world of Neal Junior and friends before the book comes out. I hope everyone enjoys this story.

Fun game: if you can guess a): who the girl is based on in the story and message me about it I may throw in a free .pdf of the novel to the first person who guesses correctly, and b): if you can tell me what coffee shop Neal is in and are the first responder you also may get a free .pdf of the novel.


Continue reading Prologue to “Diary of an Addict”